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Live in Your Garden

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449 Kč
449 Kč
Are you looking for inspiration for a new garden, or do you want to do something with the one you already have? Or is it that you just want to daydream and let yourself be carried away by beautiful garden scenes? This beautifully presented book brings a fresh and contemporary view of the garden as a welcoming place where you can live well and spend delightful moments with your loved ones. The carefully selected photographs by top photographers have managed to capture not only design of the highest quality, but also the enchanting atmosphere and genius loci of many magical little corners of gardens. This book will guide you from your initial thoughts and planning, through examples of design in various completed gardens to specific practical advice and tips. Your guide to the dream garden that will add a new dimension to your life is Ferdinand Leffler, a successful and well-known landscape architect, author of many award-winning designs and completed projects in the Czech Republic and abroad. He is also the face of the TV programme Ferdinand’s Gardens and owner of the design studio Atelier Flera.
Informace o sortimentu
Název v originále Žijte ve své zahradě
Druh sortimentu eKniha
Autor Ferdinand Leffler
Značka HOST
V prodeji od 11.06.2021
Pořadí vydání 1. vydání
Počet stran 304
Interní kód 0292398
Produktový manažer Barbora Cigánková (
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