
Lost In Time

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159 Kč
159 Kč
Deep in the past, Peter, the man from 20th century who managed to use the Time Gate, come with his friends into the conflict with expansionism of Roman Empire. Cooperating with Greek merchant Orneus and Germanic warriors of Quadi, he faces Romans, plotting intrigues to disassemble Roman army internally and cause open conflict with Roman legions. In the second story line, Nazi fanatic E. Beck manipulates his trial to get out of prison. First of all, he needs to settle the scores with all who opposed him before. At the same time he tries to find Time Gate again. His goal is clear
Informace o sortimentu
Druh sortimentu eKniha
Autor Antonín B. Schulz
Značka Anton Šustek
Pořadí vydání 1. vydání
Počet stran 238
Interní kód 0402007
Produktový manažer Barbora Cigánková (barbora.olsakova@knihcentrum.cz)
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