
Sapiens: From Neuronal Networks to Global Capitalism

Human Nature and World Order

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This book is about the nature of people – it describes the urge drivers of human behaviour, called natural properties. This subject is off-colour and neglected in publish discourse. But it is a stupid attitude; this topic is simply too significant to be dismissed. Activities resulting from ignorance, or idealization of human qualities lead to social disturbances and cause a fatal ruining of the nature connected with climate change. Therefore this book.
Informace o sortimentu
Podnázev Human Nature and World Order
Druh sortimentu eKniha
Autor Juraj Pavlásek
Značka MUDr. Juraj Pavlásek
Pořadí vydání 1. vydání
Počet stran 65
Interní kód 0414304
Produktový manažer Barbora Cigánková (barbora.olsakova@knihcentrum.cz)
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