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A Plate Full of Health

150 Great Recipes of Live Raw Food
Značka: Miriam Mosná

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150 great recipes for all who want to live and eat healthily while with pleasure and taste. The book is a guide for beginners as well as a rich inspiration for the more experienced. Raw food (live or raw food, or raw veganism) is a modern style meals, which uses friendly methods of preparing food for maximum nutrient preservation. Such food entails an increase of vital energy, weight adjustment and is an ideal solution for health problems and diseases of civilization.
Informace o sortimentu
Podnázev 150 Great Recipes of Live Raw Food
Druh sortimentu eKniha
Autor Mirka Mosná
Značka Miriam Mosná
Pořadí vydání 1. vydání
Interní kód 0409434
Produktový manažer Barbora Cigánková (
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